Can you earn miles with Ezlink top ups?

Maybe I’m just not very observant and this has always been around, but I was at Raffles City a couple of days ago and just noticed this in the carpark


I never knew we could use credit cards to top up our Ezlink card on an ad-hoc basis. The sign says Visa but it says on the right panel that Mastercard works too.

I know that as per the T&C of most card issuers, EZ-Reload transactions do not earn points. However, I think these ad-hoc top ups code differently.

There was no top up fee to use this terminal, so if this does end up in me getting regular points (I used my DBS Altitude Visa so that’ll be 1.2 miles per S$1), this could be the start of something interesting. I definitely wouldn’t go so far as to call it a manufactured spend opportunity, but…

I’ll report back if I do earn points on this transaction. It most definitely isn’t an online one, though, so don’t think about getting 4 miles with the DBS WWC.

I am told that these pay points can be found at all Capitamalls carparks, for those of you who want to try it yourselves.

Aaron Wong
Aaron Wong
Aaron founded The Milelion to help people travel better for less and impress chiobu. He was 50% successful.

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Hello Aaron,

I have read elsewhere that using the My EZ-Link Mobile app to top up EZ-Link cards counts as online transaction. The maximum top up per transaction is $30 for an admin fee of $0.30. I don’t scrunitize my miles earnings though, so I haven’t been able to verify this. Maybe someone else can add to this!


I called DBS to ask if using the DBSWWMC on the app qualifies for bonus DBS points. The CSO says the transaction code (based on my previous transactions) qualifies, so that’s 4 miles per dollar.

Please note that this is different from EZ-reload.


Hi ryan, how do u get your Ez-link mobile app to work. I checked the reviews on the app and I tried myself. You cannot register on the app past page 2 of 3 and hence cannot ever reach the top up page. Is that correct?


Hey Daniel, I wish I can help you on this one but I don’t remember how the registration process was like. I only recall having to insert my credit card number, DOB and do some verifications. Do note that your phone gotta have the NFC function.


This does not seem worth it you got to TOP up a hell of a lot just to redeem a reasonable amount of miles


1. You get 1.2 miles/$ for EZ-reload using DBS Altitude card
2. You can top up EZ-link online via Top and Tap, not sure which cards get points/rebates from this though.


I am using the method of WW > Fevo > EZ-Reload.
Suffering the loss of 1% fevo comm and $0.25 Ez reload though


i used ANZ travel card but it didnt recognize the spend. Will try DBS attitude next.


I’ve tried using the machine (pictured above) and used “My EZ-Link” app for top up and I monitored each transaction.

Here are my findings:
– Machine: DBS Altitude, confirmed. Earned 3DBS Points per S$5 transaction; equates to 1.2 miles per S$1

– My EZ-Link app: WWMC, unsuccessful. Earned 1DBS Point per S$5 transaction initially. On 16th of the following month (when bonus of 9DBS Points per S$5 supposed to be issued), no bonus point credited AND initial DBS Point earning deducted.


Yes. I confirmed that too.

I topped up at Farrer Park MRT station where the GTMs have UOB advert informing commuters to use UOB cards. I tried juz to see if any miles are given. So confirm plus chop, no miles issued. Not even 0.4miles/$ base rate.


Just to verify, is this a paywave transaction? Because I had only started trying pawave transaction with preffered platinum ( was using dbswwmc for atu previosly)


Sorry to clarify paywave for topping up at ezlink stations.


Hi Lionel,

Yes, the one I mentioned above is using UOB Paywave to top-up EZ-Link on the GTM (with UOB advertisement pasted above them) at Farrer Park MRT Station. No miles earned.


ANZ, CTB and UOB does not award anything for this.


I know CIMB accepts this as a spend – which means u can use this to get load your cards to get a free airport limo transfer.


I just use EZ-Link Auto Reload with my HSBC Revo. I get 2miles/$ capped at 200 a month.


For the $200 cap, it is only for online transaction – which means that top up cannot be via machine. Right?


auto reload counted as online transactio. see below post


Yes has to be via ezlink auto reload


You can earn 4 miles per dollar on ezlink top up using DBSWWMC. Just register it for ATU Transaction and it should go through the mastercard payment gateway hence counted as an online transaction. See here

Downside is that this counted as a payment towards ez-link pte ltd.


I also recommend using nets flashpay since it can be used at gantries, carpark and with some stalls that only accept flashpay and not CC!


Isn’t easier to just use DBSWWMC to do top and tap n pay 0.9% charge?


For DBS WWMC, theres a clause in the T&C which states that: DBS Points shall not be awarded for AXS and Sam online/ibanking bill payment transactions, and EZ-Reload (Auto
Top-Up) transactions.


top and tap is different from ez-reload


NETS ATU seems to be different from EZ-Link EZ-Reload. Can anyone verify that the former gives 4 miles per $ under DBS WWMC?


Hi, I have several Nets Flashpay cards which I use for carpark/ERP etc. How do I go about getting 4 miles/dollar using DBSWWC? I think the above method is only for Ez-link cards. Tried going to nets website –> directed to Transitlink website –> “Application forms are available at all TransitLink Ticket Offices. Internet application is currently not available.”

Can anyone please advise? Thank you.


Hi, I managed to register my flashpay card using DBSWWC. Use the following link:

You will receive a free speaker too. ๐Ÿ™‚


I think given the low mileage earned, might be a better idea to consolidate the miles into your most used card. For me, that would be DBS Altitude. DBSWWC seems too difficult – sigh…


If you take cabs often, using ezlink instead of credit cards to pay would be cheaper. Significantly cheaper admin fee.


what about topping up then getting the balance on the ezlink card refunded at the mrt stations? wouldnt you be able to extract the balance then?


I think you lose the card fee of $5, only the balance is refunded. Not too sure on this though.


Can confirm DBS Altitude awarded 1.2miles/$ for Ez-Link top ups using the mentioned machine. I got 30 DBS Points for a $50 topup.

Can anyone advise if DBS WWMC still awards 4miles for top ups? If it does, via which channel? I read that Ez-Link ATU no longer awards any DBS points for the WWMC. Thanks!


Does this work with Prvi?


Just to summarise and clarify:

1. For Ez-link mobile app – use DBSWWC for 4 miles/$
2. For Ez-reload – use DBS Altitude for 1.2 miles/$, or HSBC Revolution for 2 miles/$ (capped $200/mth)
3. For Nets Flashpay ATU – register with DBSWWC for 4 miles/$

Is that correct?


4. Nets Flashpay app – got 4miles/$ using DBSWWC in May


DBSWWC doesn’t get 4miles/$ for ezlink mobile app. Got 0.4 miles/$.


Is this based on May spending and points awarded on 16 Jun?


Yes, I would say so. I too use WWMC using the “My EZ Link” app on android NFC and no bonus points on the 16th. In fact, I got some points deducted. Coincidentally same as the amount I received when I topped up (base rate).


Does anyone know of a way to top up EZLINK cards using AMEX? Apparently EZLINK is not excluded from PRIVI AMEX.




Also can try at GTM machine at MRT stations.


Thanks for the helpful post. I understand for HSBC revo there is a $200 cap for ez-link auto reload. How about for flashpay auto top up?


Anyone tried this using Citibank cards? is that a cap limit?


Just received my DBS WWC and I’m wondering if topping up FEVO still awards 4 mpd? Or are there any other ways to earn miles for Ezreload or ATU?



Just update anyone who’s reading this. DBS doesn’t give points for Altitude card for this EZ-LINK top up method anymore. Tried in bukit panjang mall.