Lifemiles go on sale at 140% bonus!

Lifemiles just concluded a 130% sale which allowed you to buy Lifemiles at a cost of 1.43 US cents each. This sale finished on the 10th of September and scaled with the number of miles you bought.

Well, if you missed out on that, don’t feel glum because Lifemiles just enhanced the bonus to 140%!

Here’s how to get that bonus-

(1) Visit this page between 19th and 26th Sept and register your Lifemiles number

(2) Wait 24 hours, and buy your miles between 20th and 27th Sept. You should see your 140% bonus reflected on the purchase page. To max out the bonus you’ll need to buy at least 101,000 LMs

When you buy between Receive Accrue up to
LM 2.000 – 50.000 2X1 + 15%* LM 107.500 When buying LM 50.000
LM 51.000 – 100.000 2X1 + 30%* LM 230.000 When buying LM 100.000
LM 101.000 – 150.000 2X1 + 40%* LM 360.000 When buying LM 150.000

Do note that you’re still talking about a hefty out of pocket cost of US$3,333 to buy 101,000 miles (242,000 after bonus). This is 1.375 US cents per mile, and really is one of the better prices I’ve seen for Lifemiles.

I wouldn’t recommend buying Lifemiles speculatively, but if you have a redemption in mind this is a good time to pull the trigger.

(HT: One Mile at a Time)

Aaron Wong
Aaron Wong
Aaron founded The Milelion to help people travel better for less and impress chiobu. He was 50% successful.

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Hey brother,
Thanks for the heads up. I’m confused. I have a mailer for 125% bonus till 30th sept? ? Didn’t get the memo for this. lol.

I’m ready to pull the trigger but I need some enlightenment from you..
1) when I buy the miles, is it instant?
2) annual purchase cap is 150k but I will get the 350k all in , for one year.. ?
3) what I see on the engine NOW prior to buying means available NOW? Will I get any shock once I try to book? Ie waitlist , full etc?

Thank you kindly!



Aaron Chew

Hi Aaron,
How frequently does LifeMiles do 150%? I am in no hurry to purchase and can wait for 150% if it comes at the end of the year.



Aaron, are you going to buy?


I’ve always wonder if I should treat buying miles like an investment. i.e. paying the miles now to plan for future trips, or should i buy when i really need those miles?

I mean, 140-150% doesn’t always come, right?


Sorry not too familiar with lifemiles, just as a gauge what does 242000 miles get you ?


A first class one way to the States is 99000 miles

grammer nazi

hey aaron, spelling error at the start

“To max out the bonus you’ll need to bu at least 101,000 LMs”

bu needs to be changed to buy


Hi Aaron,

I’m still following you even though I’ve moved to Vienna now :-).
Great news about the promotion. I just booked a Q fare on TK flying VIE – NRT RT. Do you reckon it’ll be easy to use the miles here to upgrade the RT journey to business?



ah…just read it has to be in Y, B, C and D class 🙁