Get 40% bonus miles when shopping on KrisFlyer Spree

KrisFlyer Spree is offering 40% bonus miles on the regular earn rate from now until 9 September 2018.

To celebrate KrisFlyer Spree’s 4th anniversary, KrisFlyer Spree is having a limited time offer where you can earn a 40% bonus on the normal miles earning rate when making your purchases through KrisFlyer Spree. This promotion runs from now until 9 September 2018.

Source: KrisFlyer Spree

Select merchants earn you extra 40% bonus miles

When you make your purchases through KrisFlyer Spree on select merchants from now through 9 September 2018, you will get 40% bonus miles for your shopping. Note that the 40% bonus is already reflected in the earn rate of the selected merchant.

Take for example Guardian, the normal miles earn rate when making a purchase through KrisFlyer Spree is at 11 KrisFlyer miles per USD10. With the 40% bonus through 9 September 2018, the earn rate has been adjusted to 16 KrisFlyer miles per USD10.

Source: KrisFlyer Spree

Clicking around the KrisFlyer Spree website, I found that not all merchants are participating in the 40% bonus miles offer. To be sure of which merchants are participating, simply click on the glittery banner at the top of the KrisFlyer Spree homepage.

Click on the golden banner to see the full list of merchants which are participating in the 40% bonus miles promotion | Source: KrisFlyer Spree

Concluding Thoughts

KrisFlyer Spree has run several promotions this year but this promotion is definitely the best so far in terms of the percentage of bonus miles which are being offered. If you are thinking of using KrisFlyer Spree as a method of double dipping to top up your KrisFlyer account balance, just be prepared for a long wait before the miles are credited.

Will you be doing your shopping from KrisFlyer Spree? 

Matthew Chong
Matthew Chong
Addicted to luxury travel while trying not to go broke, Matthew is always on the prowl for the best deals in the travel industry. When he's not busy studying, he can be found trawling the internet and reading up on credit cards, airlines and hotels. He also wouldn't mind taking you out on a date.

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Kia choon Koh

Easily 2 to 3 months before miles are credited


if I am shopping at iherb, any credit card u would advise? I have ocbc tit, citi premiermiles visa, amex kf ascent and dbs altitude.



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