Mileslife offering bumper 4X Miles promotion this weekend: 13-15 April

Mileslife offering 4X miles on everything this weekend.

Mileslife is offering a bumper promotion this weekend with 4X miles on everything except gift cards. Dining, activities, hotels etc. will all earn 4X the regular miles, with the bonus miles capped at 3,500 per user per day.

Remember that restaurants normally offer either 1,2 or 3 mpd through Mileslife (on top of the miles you earn through your credit card). With this promotion, you’d earn 4, 8 or 12 mpd through Mileslife, which is pretty impressive especially when you remember that you can stack this with the UOB PPV for an additional 4 mpd. Remember that you can also buy $100 of Mileslife credits to earn 200 miles, so in an ideal scenario you could…

  1. Buy $100 of Mileslife credits, earn 200 miles from Mileslife
  2. Earn 400 miles from purchase of Mileslife credits on UOB PPV
  3. Spend $100 of Mileslife credits at a restaurant offering 3 mpd normally, or 12 mpd with the promotion

Total takings= 200+400+1200=1800 miles for $100 of spend, or 18 mpd (2 mpd from credits, 4 mpd from UOB, 12 mpd from Mileslife)

You’ll also be able to get 4X miles on your hotel and activity bookings, though remember the 3,500 bonus mile cap on earnings which means you’ll max it out with ~$388 of spending each day.

In addition to the UOB PPV, you might want to consider the Citibank Rewards card for 10X (Louis has successfully gotten 10X even though the Mileslife MCC 7278 is not on the official list of merchants as per the T&C of the Citibank Rewards 10X program) or your DBS cards for 50% more miles.

The full T&C of the promotion can be found at the bottom of this page. 

Aaron Wong
Aaron Wong
Aaron founded The Milelion to help people travel better for less and impress chiobu. He was 50% successful.

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so its only stackable with the easter promo codes if you have not bought anything from mileslife before?

Mileslife Team

Hi A,

Yes, you can use one easter promo code per transaction if you’ve not previously spend with Mileslife. Hope this helps.

You can contact us at if there are any other questions. Thanks!


Hi Aaron. I noticed in your earlier post you mentioned the minimum credit top-up of $1000. Has it been permanently reduced to $100, temporarily reduced to $100, or are the semi-regular occasions where we can buy smaller amounts than $100? Thanks!


Edit: “smaller amounts than $1000”

Mileslife Team

Hi Justin,

The current top up denomination of S$100 will only be available from 9 to 15 April 2018. The top up option of S$1000 will be available after this campaign period.



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