Can you triple dip on the current Kaligo promotion?

There are a few ways you can boost the number of Krisflyer miles you earn with Kaligo's latest promotion. But could you stack one of the bank's ongoing 10 mpd promotions on top of it all?

A few days back I wrote about Kaligo’s “up to” 18 mpd promotion with Krisflyer. Although hotels offering 18 mpd were few and far between, I was able to find a few in the 10-14 mpd range which makes this promotion worth considering, assuming that Kaligo isn’t pricing significantly above competitor OTAs.

There are a couple of things you can do to further upsize the miles you get with the current promotion. The first is a sure shot, but the second I’m a bit more uncertain about…

(1) Get an additional 0.8 mpd from Krisflyer Spree

I much prefer using traditional cashback portals to Krisflyer spree, but Kaligo doesn’t seem to be on Shopback. Kaligo is indeed on shopback at

It is, surprisingly (and thanks to swerve on the comments for pointing this out to me), on Krisflyer spree and offers 11 miles per US$10, or the equivalent of 0.8 mpd. That’s not a lot, but it doesn’t require any additional effort from you other than clicking through the site so why not?

(2) Use your UOB PRVI Miles/ Citibank Premiermiles card to pay (?)

Someone posted a question on the comments asking whether they could double dip on the Kaligo Krisflyer promotion with their DBS Altitude for another 10 mpd and my answer was no.

Here’s an important thing to understand about Kaligo- the website asks you upfront what type of rewards you want to earn. This includes airline FFPs like Asiamiles and Krisflyer, but also credit card rewards programs like UNI$ and DBS Points.

If you pick Krisflyer miles, you’ll enjoy the ongoing Krisflyer promotion and your miles will be credited directly to your Krisflyer account. If you pick DBS points, you’ll enjoy the 10 mpd rate with your Altitude card but you’ll need to pay a transfer fee later on when you want to move your DBS points to Krisflyer.

So there’s no question of combining the current Krisflyer offer and the bonus miles with DBS Altitude. How it works with DBS is that the bank awards you 3 mpd on online flight and hotel transactions, Kaligo awards you the remaining 7 for a total of 10, as seen below.

Indeed, DBS spells this out quite clearly in the T&C, emphasizing that bookings need to be done via in order to enjoy the 10 mpd. Therefore, if you were to use your DBS Altitude to pay for bookings made at, you’d only earn an additional 3 mpd.

Now where it gets a bit more complicated is with UOB PRVI and Citibank Premiermiles. Both cards claim to offer 10 mpd with Kaligo, but neither T&C (UOB, Citibank) seem to require you to book at or (which is Citibank’s promotion landing page, confusingly named) to earn that.

In fact, UOB’s T&Cs seem to suggest that the 10 mpd awarded is regardless of whether you book at or on the main site proper. Prima facie, this suggests that you could book at, pay with your UOB PRVI miles card and enjoy a further 10 mpd on top.

So I’d certainly fancy gambling on this one, though I take absolutely no responsibility for what happens. Let’s consider the risks inherent in this approach. If it turns out that not using the bank specific site means you only earn regular spend, you’re going to earn 1.2/1.4 mpd with the Citibank Premiermiles Visa/ UOB PRVI Miles card, on top of whatever miles you earn via What loss does that represent? Well, if you wanted to be absolutely safe, you’d pay with the DBS Woman’s World card, which gives you 4 mpd for spend on Kaligo. So you’re losing out 2.8/2.6 mpd for a potential upside of 6 mpd.

Anyone want to gamble?

Aaron Wong
Aaron Wong
Aaron founded The Milelion to help people travel better for less and impress chiobu. He was 50% successful.

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Hi Aaron,

Thanks for the post on Kaligo – the double/triple dipping has been on my mind and I’ve been wondering what is the best strategy to take advantage of this.

On another note, Kaligo is actually available on Shopback, offering 2% cashback. Not sure why you couldn’t find it! –>



The DBS Altitude promo only works if Kaligo is considered an Online transaction. For those bookings which allow Free Cancellation, are such bookings considered as Online Transactions ? So in light of this uncertainty, should I still use DBS Alt or UOB PRVI ?


I just tried to double dip and can confirm it won’t work. The minute you use your PRVI or CitiPM card at the booking page, the pop up message appears, telling you that you can only have one or the other offer, but not both.


I ended up going for the 10X promo with PRVI. It was a no brainer decision. The Krisflyer offer would only have given me 3100 miles

Terence L

Hi Aaron,

I’ve once tried to do it before: I tried to use krisflyer promo and when I attempted to put in my UOB prvi card, kaligo is able to detect the card and will prompt to 1) use another card or 2) diverted to UOB’s Prvi promo page.

Aaron Wong

Ah, mystery solved. Thanks!


Hi Aaron, a bit of rookie question – any idea if we accumulate SPG stays/points when booking through Kaligo? Many thanks



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