Receive complimentary 100MB of data roaming with every purchase of a Scoot ticket

Get 100MB of free data roaming with Flexiroam when you fly with Scoot

Scoot is currently running a very interesting promotion where if you purchase your flights on Scoot, you’ll be eligible for a Flexiroam SIM sticker with 100MB of data access loaded inside. You can find out more details of this promotion here.

What’s Flexiroam?

How it works is you’ll receive a “sticker” from Flexiroam which you affix to your SIM card which you currently have in your phone that’s given by your local telco. Then, when you’re overseas, open the Flexiroam app where you’ll be able to select the respective plans available for that country and you’ll be data roaming without incurring the fees from your Telco.

As always, do your homework before flying off! Aaron has written an article recently about the various data roaming options that are available for us here in Singapore. Personally, I prefer to just purchase a SIM card in the country that I’m heading to as it’s just so much more convenient and sometimes it might be cheaper too.

Free 100MB Data with Flexiroam x Scoot

Going back to the promotion, if you purchase your flight tickets on the Scoot website, you’ll receive a promo code in your confirmation email which you can then use to redeem for yourself a Flexiroam Starter Pack bundled with 100MB of data for use when you’re roaming. Just remember to download the Flexiroam app else it won’t work when you’re overseas.

While 100MB isn’t a lot of data especially if you’re the type who browses Instagram often (i.e myself), it’s sufficient to keep you connected to your various messaging apps and useful for searching up for places of interest in the country you’re at.

Matthew Chong
Matthew Chong
Addicted to luxury travel while trying not to go broke, Matthew is always on the prowl for the best deals in the travel industry. When he's not busy studying, he can be found trawling the internet and reading up on credit cards, airlines and hotels. He also wouldn't mind taking you out on a date.

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Hi, does anyone know how long it takes for the sim card delivery?


AND can anyone work out whether that’s JUST Scoot flights ex Singapore? I’m flying up to Sing. en route Europe, ex Gold Coast in time for Saturday’s Masterclass – yum! – and later back into Singapore via Hong Kong. However, already given up getting straight answers from Scoot call centre re Plus Perks fare class, so not trying on this. Like WB, how long to get this sim matters. Seems like worth trying..thanks ML…but can’t seem to find this stuff online so far.


Thanks Matthew. For info to all MLers: Yup, it’s free for 100mb, but shipping, to the UK at least, where I’ll be by the time it arrives, is AUD $13.50. Gulp! Maybe it’s way less to elsewhere, but that’s a pass for me, compared to other paid options.



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