What you should know about UOB’s points rounding policy

UOB's rounding policy can result in a lot of wasted points, but it doesn't affect all cards equally! Here's how it works.

If you’re a UOB cardholder, I hope you’re aware of the bank’s rounding policy, which can result in lost points on every transaction.

In short, UOB rounds transactions down to the nearest S$5 before awarding points. A S$9.99 transaction earns the same number of points as a S$5 transaction, and a S$4.99 transaction earns no points at all!

Does that mean you should simply avoid using UOB cards for any transaction that doesn’t end with a 0 or 5? Well, it’s slightly more complex than that. While UOB’s rounding policy can be punitive, it affects some cards more than others. 


Rounding more of a concern Rounding less of a concern
  • UOB PRVI Miles Card
  • UOB Visa Infinite Metal Card
  • UOB Preferred Platinum Visa
  • UOB Lady’s Card
  • UOB Lady’s Solitaire Card
  • UOB Visa Signature

In this post I’ll explain how UOB’s rounding policy works, and how badly you’ll be affected.

General Spending Cards

With general spending cards, UOB’s rounding policy can be extremely punitive.

Suppose you hold a UOB PRVI Miles Card, which awards points as follows:

💳 UOB PRVI Miles Card
Spend Rate Calculation
Local  3.5 UNI$ per S$5 Round down transaction to nearest S$5, then divide by 5 and multiply by 3.5. Round down to the nearest whole number
FCY 6 UNI$ per S$5 Round down transaction to nearest S$5, then divide by 5 and multiply by 6. Round down to the nearest whole number

Even though UOB advertises the earn rates as 1.4 mpd for local spend, and 2.4 mpd for FCY spend, rounding can cause your effective earn rate to be quite far off. 

Consider the following transactions (all in SGD, for the ease of illustration):

💳 UOB PRVI Miles Card
Spend Local Spend (3.5X) Total Miles*
S$9.99 3.5 UNI$
(round to 3 UNI$)
6 miles
(0.6 mpd)
S$19.99 10.5 UNI$
(round to 10 UNI$)
20 miles
(1 mpd)
S$23.50 14 UNI$ 28 miles
(1.2 mpd)
S$218.90 150.5 UNI$
(round to 150 UNI$)
300 miles
(1.4 mpd)
S$727.62 507.5 UNI$
(round to 507 UNI$)
1,014 miles
(1.4 mpd)
*Note: 1 UNI$ = 2 miles

Two things to note here.

First, UOB’s rounding can hit twice. For example, a S$9.99 transaction is first rounded down to S$5, which earns 3.5 UNI$. But since UOB doesn’t award partial UNI$, this is further rounded down to 3 UNI$, equivalent to 6 miles- an effective earn rate of just 0.6mpd!

Second, the effect of rounding fades as the transaction gets larger. That makes intuitive sense, because the maximum you can lose on a single transaction with the UOB PRVI Miles Card is 8 miles (4.99*1.4 [lost due to trxn. rounding] +1 [lost due to UNI$ rounding]), a figure which becomes less and less significant with size. For example, someone charging a S$218.90 transaction would lose ~6.5 miles (3.90*1.4 [lost due to trxn. rounding] +1 [lost due to UNI$ rounding]), but the effective earn rate is still very close to 1.4 mpd.

UOB’s rounding policy means that a card with a lower earn rate but more generous rounding policy (e.g. Citi PremierMiles) can outperform the UOB PRVI Miles Card on smaller transactions.

  UOB PRVI Miles
Earn rate: 1.4 mpd
citi premiermiles card reviewCiti PremierMiles
Earn rate: 1.2 mpd
S$5 6 miles 6 miles
S$9.99 6 miles 11 miles
S$15 20 miles 18 miles
S$19.99 20 miles 23 miles
S$25 34 miles 30 miles
S$29.99 34 miles 35 miles
S$35 48 miles 42 miles
S$39.99 48 miles 47 miles

tl;dr: if your transaction is ≥S$40, you generally don’t need to worry about rounding on your UOB PRVI Miles or UOB Visa Infinite Metal Card, because it’ll still outperform any 1.2/1.3 mpd card with a more generous rounding policy. 

However, for smaller transactions that don’t end in a 0 or 5, you might be better off using a Citi PremierMiles or DBS Altitude Card instead.

❓ Doesn’t DBS award points in S$5 blocks too?

Yes, but their rounding policy is less punitive. When awarding points, DBS divides each transaction by 5 and multiplies by 3 (for DBS Altitude SGD transactions) or 5 (for DBS Altitude FCY transactions), before rounding down to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, the minimum SGD spend to earn points is $1.67, and the minimum FCY spend to earn points is S$1.

For more on how points are calculated for general spending cards, refer to this post

Specialised Spending Cards

With specialised spending cards, the impact of UOB’s rounding policy depends on whether the card: 

  • awards bonus points together with base points
  • awards bonus points separately from base points, as a consolidated lump sum the following month
Card Base Points (1X) Bonus Points (9X)
UOB Pref. Plat. Visa When transaction posts Together with base points
UOB Lady’s Card When transaction posts Separately from base points
(1st of following calendar month)
UOB Lady’s Solitaire When transaction posts Separately from base points
(1st of following calendar month)
UOB Visa Signature When transaction posts Separately from base points
(1st of following statement month)

This distinction is important because UOB cards which award bonus points together with base points are more affected by rounding than those which award bonus points separately. 

To illustrate, consider the UOB Preferred Platinum Visa, where base and bonus points are awarded together.

💳 UOB Pref. Plat. Visa
Spend Rate Calculation
Base 1 UNI$ per S$5 Round down transaction to nearest S$5, then divide by 5 and multiply by 1. Round down to the nearest whole number
Bonus 9 UNI$ per S$5 Round down transaction to nearest S$5, then divide by 5 and multiply by 9. Round down to the nearest whole number

Here’s how many points you earn on the same set of transactions. 

💳 UOB Pref. Plat. Visa
Spend Base (1X) Bonus (9X) Total Miles*
S$9.99 1 UNI$ 9 UNI$ 20 miles
(2 mpd)
S$19.99 3 UNI$ 27 UNI$ 60 miles
(3 mpd)
S$23.50 4 UNI$ 36 UNI$ 80 miles
(3.4 mpd)
S$218.90 43 UNI$ 387 UNI$ 860 miles
(3.9 mpd)
S$727.62 145 UNI$ 1,305 UNI$ 2,900 miles
(4.0 mpd)
*Note: 1 UNI$= 2 miles

Notice how base and bonus points are equally hit by rounding; a S$9.99 transaction is rounded down to S$5 which yields 1 UNI$ (base) and 9 UNI$ (bonus) for a total of 10 UNI$ (20 miles), an effective earn rate of 2 mpd. 

Because of the higher earn rate for the UOB Preferred Platinum Visa, you’re losing as much as 20 miles on each transaction (S$4.99 x 5) to rounding. 

It’s a much different story for the UOB Visa Signature and UOB Lady’s Card/Lady’s Solitaire Card, where base points are awarded when the transaction posts, and bonus points are awarded separately at the start of the following period.

💳 UOB Visa Signature, Lady’s Card, Lady’s Solitaire
Spend Rate Calculation
Base 1 UNI$ per S$5 Round down transaction to nearest S$5, then divide by 5 and multiply by 1. Round down to the nearest whole number
Bonus 9 UNI$ per S$5 Sum up all eligible transactions (including cents), round down transaction to nearest S$5, then divide by 5 and multiply by 9. Round down to the nearest whole number

Using the UOB Visa Signature as an example, here’s how the same set of transactions will be processed:

💳 UOB Visa Signature
Spend Base (1X) Bonus (9X) Total Miles*
S$9.99 1 UNI$ 1,800 UNI$
(awarded in the following period)
(4 mpd)
S$19.99 3 UNI$
S$23.50 4 UNI$
S$218.90 43 UNI$
S$727.62 145 UNI$
*Note: 1 UNI$= 2 miles

To be sure, the 1X base points still suffers from rounding. A S$9.99 transaction is rounded down to S$5 and awarded 1 UNI$; a S$23.50 transaction is rounded down to S$20 and awarded 4 UNI$.

But the 9X bonus points are relatively less affected because at the end of the relevant month (either calendar or statement, depending on the card), all eligible transactions, including cents, will be summed up. The consolidated figure is then rounded down once to the nearest S$5 before the 9X points are calculated.

To put it another way, with the UOB Preferred Platinum Visa, I’m losing a maximum of 20 miles per transaction. With the UOB Lady’s Card, Lady’s Solitaire and Visa Signature, I’m losing a maximum of 20 miles per bonus period. No one likes losing miles, but I’d much rather take the latter over the former.

So the advantage of the UOB Preferred Platinum Visa is that you get your bonus points faster, while the advantage of the UOB Visa Signature/Lady’s/ Lady’s Solitaire is that you get hit by rounding only once, as opposed to on every transaction.

⚠️ Implications for UOB$ merchants

The difference in mechanics has an impact on earning miles at UOB$ merchants too.

  • UOB Lady’s Card, Lady’s Solitaire Card and Visa Signature will not earn the base 0.4 mpd (1X UNI$), but will earn the bonus 3.6 mpd (9X UNI$) provided all other eligibility criteria is met
  • UOB Preferred Platinum Visa will not earn either the base 0.4 mpd (1X UNI$) nor the bonus 3.6 mpd (9X UNI$)


UOB’s rounding policy can be very damaging to smaller transactions on general spending cards, but its impact is less severe the larger the transaction gets, or with specialised spending cards (UOB Preferred Platinum Visa aside). 

As a reminder, you can see a detailed breakdown of points on a transaction level via the UOB TMRW app to know how much rounding is affecting you. For more details on how to do this, refer to this article.

Aaron Wong
Aaron Wong
Aaron founded The Milelion to help people travel better for less and impress chiobu. He was 50% successful.

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What about the UOB Krisflyer Credit Card? =/


The bonus 1.8 mpd is only posted at the end of the membership year, good luck trying to track that lol. But if the logic holds, the rounding will only be applied on the sum of all transactions.


I’m curious as to what led to such “punitive” policies. Doesn’t simplicity and transparency benefit all parties (UOB and credit card holders)? Really interested in the thought-processes and/or company culture that led to this.

Masked rider

They want to make you spend more to get to the nearest 5 dollar block. Lord knows how many times I’ve donated to Ronald McDonald’s chewren charity cos my meal wasn’t 10 bucks.


oh yeah, i’ve done that a few times!

JT Lim

you said it right! Company culture- A culture of pulling wool over your eyes and catching you when you are unaware all the while advertising the UP TO rewards in your face. Basically a very transaction culture that oversells and under delivers. Onus is on you to spot the potholes. Just walk into a branch and experience it yourself. haha


well said


What a mess. Just do yourself a favor and forget UOB.


Ditto. I’ve never seen a more disingenuous bank.


Can I check when are bonus points awarded for UOB women’s card? Does “following period” mean next statement date?


So much surreptitious activity from a bank that claims to do Right By You. Jeez.


I am in the UOB eco-system as the points can be pooled



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