Explained: Germany COVID-19 restrictions, testing and proof of vaccination

Visiting Germany on the VTL? Here's what you need to know about COVID restrictions, testing, and proof of vaccination.

With the start of the VTL just two weeks away, those intending to head to Germany have much more to plan than just flights and hotels. 

Fact is, this won’t be any ordinary trip. Travel in a post-COVID world, even if vaccinated, brings its own set of logistical considerations. The most common questions I’m getting right now include: 

  • What are the current COVID-19 restrictions in Germany?
  • How do visitors from Singapore prove they’re vaccinated?
  • Where do I do a pre-departure PCR test in Germany, and what happens if I test positive?

I’ve spent the past week researching these, and also reached out to the (very helpful) Germany embassy in Singapore for answers. For avoidance of doubt, the information below is from my own research, unless I specifically mention it’s from an embassy source. 

Germany: COVID-19 restrictions

Germany’s COVID-19 restrictions differ by location

The first thing to understand about COVID restrictions in Germany is that they differ by state and even city. I’ve compiled links to the relevant rules of the eight largest cities in Germany below (not all may be in English):

City State
Berlin Berlin
Cologne North Rhine-Westphalia
Dortmund North Rhine-Westphalia
Dusseldorf North Rhine-Westphalia
Frankfurt Hesse
Hamburg Hamburg
Munich Bavaria
Stuttgart Baden-Wurttemberg
✈ VTL flight

Germany adopts a system known as the “3G rule”geimpft (vaccinated), genesen (recovered) and getestet (tested). This means that individuals will need to show proof of vaccination, recovery from COVID-19 or a negative test to enter places such as:

  • Air travel 
  • Brothels
  • Casinos
  • Cinemas, theatres, opera houses
  • Driving schools
  • Events, sporting events and concerts
  • Gyms, swimming pools, sports halls
  • Hairdressers, beauty salons, massage parlours, tattoo studios
  • Hospitals, nursing homes (for visitors only)
  • Nightclubs, discos
  • Restaurants, bars, pubs (indoor areas)
  • Zoos, amusement parks
⚠️ A system called “3G-Plus-Model”, which features the 3G requirement plus a negative PCR test, is required for visiting nightclubs, discos and, er, brothels. In return, you get to take off your mask (among other things).

This is not an exhaustive list, and private business owners/event organisers may impose the 3G rule as they see fit. The 3G rule does not apply to the following spaces:

  • At work
  • Doctor’s practices
  • Garden centres
  • Private gatherings 
  • Public transport
  • Supermarkets
  • Weekly markets

All VTL travellers must be fully vaccinated, so this won’t be an issue in any case.

Since 2 September, Germany no longer considers the number of new cases when determining whether or not to tighten restrictions. Instead, it looks at the seven-day average of new hospitalisations, which at the time of writing is fairly low at 1.69 cases per 100,000 people. 

In Bavaria (Munich’s state), the following thresholds are applied:

  • Level Yellow is triggered when there are more than 1,200 COVID-19 patients admitted to hospitals within the last 7 days
  • Level Red is triggered when there are more than 600 COVID-19 patients in ICU in the state

At Level Yellow:

  • The mask standard will be raised to FFP2 (no more surgical masks)
  • Contact restrictions will be enforced
  • Only PCR tests will be accepted (no ART)
  • Caps on capacity for public and private events

At Level Red, the state government will introduce further undefined measures in addition to those present for Yellow. 

In other words, those reports you’re reading about a fourth wave in Germany shouldn’t necessarily alarm you, so long as hospital admissions remain low. You can monitor the situation on the RKI’s website (in German).


Daily activities for vaccinated individuals can continue as normal

Vaccinated individuals will be able to access indoor sports facilities like gyms and swimming pools, indoor areas at restaurants, cinemas and theatres, close-contact services like hairdressers and beauty salons, religious services and hotel accommodation. 

Museums, exhibitions, memorials, zoological or botanical gardens, palaces and other attractions are open. Registering for contact tracing will be required. 

In other words, it’s pretty much life as normal, although nightclubs and discos will remain closed (Frankfurt says that clubs and discos may open, but I’m not sure if this is the latest information). 


Photo: Lufthansa

Masks are compulsory on public transport (including airplanes) and inside shops. Certain states may also require them in public buildings and attractions. Just observe and do as the Romans Germans do, and when in doubt, it doesn’t hurt to leave the mask on. 

Leave your cloth mask at home. Germany only permits surgical, FFP2, FFP3 and KN95/N95 masks to be worn. These are widely available in Singapore, and you can buy additional ones at any pharmacy (called an apotheke) or supermarket in Germany. 

Interstate travel

The Germany embassy informs me that there are currently no restrictions on interstate travel within Germany, although this is subject to change depending on regional developments. Again, lockdowns are less likely with a higher vaccination rate. 

Remember, you can travel anywhere within Germany and still qualify for VTL travel back to Singapore.

Proof of vaccination

German CovPass app

Under the 3G rule, proof of vaccination will be required to enter restaurants, cultural or recreational facilities, attractions and hotels. 

Germany currently has two ways of digitally storing one’s vaccination certificate: Corona Warn App (CWA), and CovPass.

  • CWA stores vaccination certificates as well as facilitates contact tracing. Think of it like TraceTogether
  • CovPass purely stores vaccination certificates and test results without contract tracing capability, for those with privacy concerns. Think of it like HealthHub

However, neither app is available for download to Singapore-based Apple or Android users; both are intended more for locals and visitors from the EU.

Registering for a EU COVID vaccination certificate | Source: US Military

⚠️ Update: For easier contact tracing, you might consider downloading an app called Luca. This is available in app stores worldwide, and unlike CWA, is not an official government app- it’s created by a private enterprise.

Luca provides contact tracing and can store digital vaccination certificates; it also works with local health authorities and can be seen as a semi-official app in that sense. Read more about the differences between CWA and Luca here.

If you really wanted to, you could download the CovPass app by creating a new Apple ID using Germany as your country, or changing your Google Play country to Germany (limit one change per year). Once in Germany, visit an apotheke that provides digital vaccination certificates, show them your Singapore vaccination card and passport, and get your digital certificate uploaded to the CovPass app. 

I am assured this is unnecessary though. The German embassy tells me the following:

We have so far not heard of any problems of recognition for both the Singaporean vaccination card and/or the Singaporean digital vaccination certificate in daily life in Germany which are widely accepted.

This matches what I’ve heard from Singapore readers currently traveling in Germany. Simply presenting a physical or digital copy of your Singapore vaccination card will suffice. 

⚠️ Update: A couple of readers have had success visiting a pharmacy, presenting their Singapore vaccination card and getting a physical printout of an EU Digital COVID Certificate.

Since the Singapore vaccination card is widely accepted in Germany, the EU Digital COVID Certificate is more useful for those planning to venture to neighbouring countries- something you couldn’t do under the VTL unless you were prepared to return to Germany and wait 21 days (14 days from 7 Oct 2021) before flying to Singapore.

To generate your vaccination card, login to Health Hub and navigate to section labelled “COVID-19 records”. Click on download PDF and you’ll get something that looks like this. 

It may, however, be better to get a certificate that also features your passport number. To do so, visit Notarise and click on “vaccination certificate”. Follow the instructions, and you’ll receive an email with a HealthCerts .oa file, plus a PDF of your vaccination certificate with your passport number clearly stated.

I’d recommend you have both a digital and physical copy on your person at all times when out and about in Germany. 

PCR testing in Germany

While travellers from Singapore will not need to do a PCR test prior to departure for Germany, they will need to complete four PCR tests in lieu of an SHN on the way back to Singapore. 

Location Remarks Price
🇩🇪 Germany Pre-departure
(48h before flight time)
🇸🇬 Singapore On arrival  S$160
🇸🇬 Singapore Day 3  S$94.16
🇸🇬 Singapore Day 7  S$94.16
*The price in Germany is so variable because of the presence of 1-2 hour “express” solutions. The traditional 24h turnaround tests will be at the lower end of the spectrum.

While tests 2, 3 and 4 are done in Singapore, test 1 must be done in Germany within 48 hours of your departure time. 

The MOH has updated its guidance for Germany. Previously, it linked to a (very confusing) list of approved labs (which wasn’t very useful, given it said nothing about where you did the swab). Now, it merely says that you should take a test with an “approved provider”. 

Here’s some options.

⚕️ Frankfurt
Provider Locations Price
Corona Frankfurt 1 €69-89 (S$110-142)
EcoCare 1 €69-149 (S$110-237)
Centogene 2 €69-239 (S$110-380)
Medicare 6 €75 (S$120) 
⚕️ Munich
Provider Locations PCR Price
Centogene €69-239 (S$110-380)
Medicare 6 €75 (S$120) 
Corona Teststelle 3 €76 (S$121)
Covid Zentrum 1 €79.90 (S$127)
Test Smart 6 €89 (S$142)

The crucial thing is to ensure your results test slip has your passport number and full name on it. That’s how the airline will match your result to your passport. 

Express testing

You may have noticed a big variance in the pricing for certain providers. That’s because of express testing options. 

While 6 hours seems to be the best turnaround we can hope for a PCR test in Singapore, things move much faster in Germany. Some providers even promise turnaround times of just 35 minutes, and yes, I double checked that’s for a PCR, not an ART. 

It won’t come cheap, of course. To illustrate, the CENTOGENE test centre at Munich airport offers the following options:

Time Price Reservation Required?
24 hours €69 No
75 minutes €139 Yes
35 minutes €239 Yes

The real convenience of a 35/75 minute test is that there’s minimal disruption to the rest of your travel plans. Show up at the airport maybe three hours early, get your test done, show the certificate at check-in, pass immigration and be on your way. 

24 hour tests are much less useful for airport locations, unless you really like hanging out at the airport or don’t mind interrupting your schedule to make a special trip down. 

Testing positive while in Germany

While you should be familiar with the procedure if you test positive in Singapore (sent to GQF or hospital, as needed), what happens if you test positive in Germany? 

If your PCR test is positive, the laboratory will inform the Gesundheitsamt (local health department), which will then issue an isolation order. 

  • If you are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms, your isolation will take place at home/in a hotel
  • If your symptoms are severe, seek immediate medical attention at a hospital

You may only leave self-isolation for the specific purpose of attending a PCR test. 

Unlike Singapore, Germany does not have a system of managed quarantine in government facilities. The Germany embassy informs me that there is also no designated list of hotels where you can self-isolate; any one will do. 

⚠️ However, some hotels will not accept COVID-19 positive guests, e.g. Andaz Munich. You may want to identify an “emergency hotel” ahead of time. I’m told the local health authority will make recommendations if needed. 

Now here’s where it gets a bit uncertain. The duration of self-isolation differs depending on which source you refer to:

  • RKI: Isolation must be a minimum of 14 days, but vaccinated individuals who test positive and are asymptomatic may be released after 5 days if their PCR viral load is below a certain threshold
  • Federal Ministry of Health: Isolation may end after 10 days with at least two symptom-free days

*RKI is the German federal agency for disease control and prevention. Think of RKI like the NCID and the Federal Ministry of Health like the MOH.

The German embassy tells me there is no general rule for the duration of self-isolation, and the local Gesundheitsamt will ultimately decide and provide guidance.

⚠️ While intended for UK nationals, this advice from the UK government on testing positive in Germany equally applies to visitors from Singapore. 

So unfortunately, there’s no bright-line rule here. You need to be mentally (and financially) prepared to undergo a 14 day quarantine. Since quarantine will be hotel-based, you definitely want to pick a travel insurance provider that can help offset some of the costs involved. 

Provider Daily COVID-19 Quarantine Allowance
(Caps apply)
Allianz Travel Insurance None
Aviva Travel Insurance S$0-100
AXA SmartTraveller S$50
EQ CovidSafe S$120-200
NTUC Income None
Sompo (COVID-19) S$50-100
Singapore Airlines x AIG S$50-200

It’s equally important that your travel insurance provider covers overseas COVID-19 related medical treatment, payable at your own expense. This is a distinct category from regular medical treatment- read your policy wording.

Provider COVID-19 Medical Expenses
Allianz Travel Insurance S$1M- unlimited
Aviva Travel Insurance S$10-20K
AXA SmartTraveller S$75-150K
EQ CovidSafe S$50-200K
NTUC Income US$100K
Sompo (COVID-19) S$100-200K
Singapore Airlines x AIG S$350K

More information can be found in my article on travel insurance with COVID-19 coverage.

Another thought occurred: since self-isolation is meant to begin the moment a positive result is received, you should ensure the hotel you’re at during the period your results are expected is one you’d be financially OK to stay in for 14 days. I mean, you can hardly check-out, take a cab and check-in elsewhere following a positive result, right? 

Needless to say, you will also have to reschedule your flight back to Singapore. Singapore Airlines offers full refunds without fees to anyone who tests positive for COVID-19, or you can make changes under the regular complimentary rebooking policy. 

Returning to Singapore after testing positive

There’s another potential banana peel to navigate. The ICA states that travellers should not travel to Singapore if they:

  1. Have symptoms of COVID-19;
  2. Are diagnosed or suspected to have COVID-19 infection in the last 21 days (14 days from 7 Oct 2021) before departing for Singapore; or
  3. Had close contact with any person with COVID-19 in the last 14 days (10 days from 7 Oct 2021) before departing for Singapore

(2) is the issue. Even if your self-isolation ends after 7 days, the above rule suggests you’ll have to stay in Germany for a further 14 days (7 days from 7 Oct 2021).

☂️ What about travel insurance?
In such a situation, your travel insurance would not cover the days you are out of self-isolation, but cannot yet return to Singapore. For example, if your self-isolation lasts 14 days and you fly back to Singapore on the 21st day, you will not receive any quarantine allowance for days 15-21.

I realise this has the potential to be a deal breaker for those whose leave arrangements are not as flexible, and reached out to the ICA to confirm whether it’s the correct interpretation. 

Their response:

2             Travellers who test positive on their COVID-19 PCR test should seek appropriate medical care and ensure that they have fully recovered and are non-infectious before travelling to Singapore.

3             Depending on travel history within the last 21 days prior to arrival, all inbound travellers will also be required to take a COVID-19 PCR test within 48 or 72 hours before departure for Singapore. If a PCR test is required to be taken before departure, i.e. a condition for entry into Singapore, travellers must take the test regardless of whether they have recovered from COVID-19.

4             Effective from 7th May, 2359 hours, travellers will be denied boarding by their airline or ferry if they are (a) diagnosed with COVID-19 infection 21 days or less, from the date of travel; and/or (b) tested positive on the pre-departure COVID-19 PCR test.

5              Kindly note that all inbound travellers are required to submit their arrival information, including health declaration, using the SG Arrival Card e-service form at https://eservices.ica.gov.sg/sgarrivalcard/, up to three (3) days before entry into Singapore.

6              Applicants are reminded to take all health, travel and SHN-related declarations seriously, and to submit truthful and accurate information. Firm enforcement action will be taken against those found to have made false declarations

7              Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents should not apply for a VTP to travel to Singapore under the VTL, as they can return to Singapore without the need for entry approval provided they adhere to the VTL requirements. Please click here for more information on the requirements.

8              Thank you.

Based on this, you’ll have to stay in Germany for 21 days from the day you tested positive. That’s…not ideal, but to be fair, it’s no different from the rules for travellers from any other country. 


While Singapore is preparing to transition to endemic COVID, Germany is way ahead on the curve. This means that many of the things we may expect (e.g. positive cases whisked away in an ambulance in a hazmat suit) don’t actually happen over there (e.g. the rather unstructured nature of self-isolation). 

Likewise, it’d be unthinkable here to have COVID-positive guests casually checking into a hotel for isolation with no special entrance or blocked-off floors- yet I’m told that’s pretty much how it works in Germany. 

So there’ll probably be some mental adjustments required for visitors from Singapore, but hey, that’s the direction we should be moving in anyway. Physiologically speaking, it’ll take time to transition to treating COVID no differently from the flu, although maybe one day:

“How was your weekend?”

“Not too great, had a little bout with COVID”

“Oh sorry to hear that. Did you watch Arsenal lose again?”

In the meantime, Germany offers a glimpse of what future life may look like. With better beer. 

If you have additional questions that aren’t addressed here, leave them in the comments and I’ll compile to ask the embassy. 

Aaron Wong
Aaron Wong
Aaron founded The Milelion to help people travel better for less and impress chiobu. He was 50% successful.

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For some of us who may require a Schengen visa, looks like things are significantly trickier. Schengen visa applications (where Germany is the main country of visit) need to be processed by VFS, and their operations are currently closed. Did you have any news or updates from the German Embassy?


The risk of positive pre-departure test for COVID-19 is not good to use VTL to travel to Germany for ordinary people in Singapore. Singaporean should use Cat II and do 7-day SHN instead.


Exactly. For travellers on a non-VTL flight aren’t required to take a PCR test for departure in Germany, right?


Not required for Singaporean citizens and PRs.


I believe this applies to pass holders as well. There is no mention of PCR test needed for pre-departure in the approval letter but only highlights on 7 day quarantine at home (except for non-EPs where they have to buy Covid insurance)


7-day confirmed can be served at home or at hotel of choice. 21-day potential leave of absence can get many people fired at work, not mentioning the cost of staying additional 21 days in Germany and possible medical costs.

For you, it is okay, I guess.

Last edited 3 years ago by freedom

So for those unable to risk being stuck in Germany for an additional 21 days, we should go CAT 2 then. But now I am stuck with 2 advantage awards for VTL flights……!!!


21 days extension is the best case.. if in an event that one could not recover within 21 days, the extension is even longer


You are right. I read the safetravel website again. It says the traveler has to have negative test result, which is not guaranteed 21 days after a positive test result. Safetravel website does not have exemption for testing positive 21 days after a positive test result.


Yes. I’m still in DE and changing my VTL to cat 2 flight. Mainly for lesser risk and lesser pcr (the discomfort). Anyone else doing the same?

catching a flight back to sg without pcr is just a breeze. Just like pre-covid


We certainly understand your original purpose of taking the VTL. It’s as what you said, your job. But with the newfound information, leading to your apprehension, and perhaps a more reasonable recommendation is to take the non-VTL route. Really, hand on heart, would you recommend taking the VTL? With the horrors of a freak event, many of us would probably be taking the non-VTL rather than VTL. Priority wise, perhaps the ground reports of Germany would be more useful than the VTL flights. Maybe bragging rights, but surely you don’t need. You might wish to see it as an updated… Read more »

Safe Travels

Taking a VTL flight is safer as everybody is tested negative. Taking a non-VTL flight where people are untested may prove uneasy for some travellers as you never know what’s lurking in the plane. The only saving grace is you’re in Singapore serving out SHN or getting treated for COVID in a familiar environment. If I have taken the necessary precautions in Germany, I ‘ll definitely feel safer on a VTL flight.


The more I see, the more it looks like 7 day SHN is still the way to go lol…

U add up your 4 PCR tests alr 500+. 24 hour self isolation at a hotel give u 100+ more.. 7 days shn about extra 300? a bit =/


FWIW since you’re mentioned the discomfort. The PCR test in Germany is taken from the throat which should be a lot less problematic than its nasal brother (at least the Centrogen one at FRA and MUC).

Last edited 3 years ago by Michael

Didnt know you are an Arsenal fan too. lol’ed


Great Article Aaron, really excited for your VTL trip, thanks for being the pioneer in this field 🙂

Giak Lim

Is there a drive thru PCR test center near Frankfurt airport ?


Great cover picture: Dude’s not wearing his mask properly and the store is selling French crepes instead of German currywurst 🙁

Great summary though. Thanks for compiling and reaching out to the authorities.

Last edited 3 years ago by Dave

“Die Crêpes” since it is plural..

sideshow bob

i see simpsons reference, i upvote


All this covers only citizens/PRs, correct? For pass holders, even if they want to use VTL, need to get approval to come back.

Last edited 3 years ago by invisible

Yes. As they are requirements from different gov agencies


Is the VTP from the VTL not sufficient by itself? From the website it sounds like pass holders need to apply for that but it is granted immediately if the requirements are met which is more convenient than other lanes.


Pass holders essentially need to apply to re-enter singapore LOL


Do all hotels accept you for self-isolation if you test positive? The Andaz Munich, for instance, says this on its website: Unfortunately, we are also not allowed to welcome you at our hotel if you: Have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days. Have been in direct contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 over the last 14 days. Have any of the stated symptoms here that are often associated with COVID-19. This is terrible. Nothing is worse than having to go door-to-door to find room in the inn, while ill and/or harbouring the virus, spreading it… Read more »


Yes, how to deal with the situation where you test positive 3hrs before your flight at the airport, with all your barang barang.

Even if you took the PCR 24-48hr prior, it is also not guaranteed your current hotel will be able to host you for 21 days (if they’re fully booked).




I’m traveling on the VTL too. Brought some Covid test kits with me. Plan is to do a test before the PCR, for peace of mind that we’re fine. Of course, if positive, and retest again still positive, probably postpone our flight to fly only when own quick test shows clean results. Then do the German PCR test & fly back. This is our way to circumvent the 21 days thing.


So what do you tick in the arrival form when asked “Did you test positive for Covid19 in the last 21 days”?


Bundesliga has not allowed audience yet, so there are only bratwurst and Paulaner in September…


Not sure. 25-40% of stadium capacity depending on the city.


Oktoberfest in october i guess


Oktoberfest is in September, and it’s canceled this year..


Since it appears that German hotels don’t actively distinguish between or segregate Covid positive, self-isolating hotel guests and normal guests, doesn’t it mean that you have a good chance of contracting Covid simply because you are staying at a hotel? And correspondingly, a not-insignificant chance of getting stuck in Germany for min. 21 days? Seems like a pretty huge risk. Was keen on the VTL but much less so now.


Some people got it during hotel quarantine in HK and Australia etc… Indeed hotels could be a good place for covid to spread


Did they have both a negative test result and subsequently a positive test result during quarantine? How would they know they got it during hotel quarantine?


Yes first negative then positive.. Then genome sequencing to confirm transmission


In Sg, you don’t go GQF if you test positive. That’s for your family and friends


Looking forwards to the trip report, keep the good information coming Aaron. Your blogs are much more useful than official websites. A few possible requests: – Confirmation from ICA on whether LTP Work Pass holders require MOM re-entry approval to use the VTL – Lounge reviews in Munich – A Travel Insurance comparison beyond just Covid Benefits (but of the Covid insurance ones). I’ve spent some of today doing my own and settled on AXA SmartTraveller having gone for the top annual pack for $550ish. Comparing them all is a nightmare though, a bit of a comparison may help your… Read more »


Correct me if i’m wrong,

But no test before flying = someone could be positive while onboard ex-sin?

Vaccinated yes. But doesnt mean those vaccinated can’t get it.

idk what to think of that tbh…


This is the whole point of vaccination and the “endemic policy”. If vaccinated persons only experience slight symptoms of covid, it becomes just another flu and we do not have to care if someone on the flight could pass it to you.

In the same vein, you do not care, nor are there much precautions taken to ensure that no one on the flight has smallpox or the flu.


I think we can be reasonably certain that no one on any flight has smallpox!


Would you like to write an article about non VTL travel to include non fully vaccinated Singaporean?


It is quite similar except that you would use a negative test result instead, on the German side. Or just wait it out until the vaccination is fully effective before you travel.

Teh Chin Poh

Hi Aaron, I am a Singapore PR currently in USA and hope to travel to Germany as a Tourist. However, I am uncertain if I qualify for VTL because 1) I am not vaccinated in Singapore but Malaysia 2) I hope to tour a month to Germany but the website states I must Demonstrate and Important Reason to go to Germany. I am unsure if Tourism meets the criteria. I emailed German Embassy in USA but I get web links instead of replies. Technically, I qualify as VTL (Double Vaccinated and Singapore PR) but the dicey part is my flying… Read more »


VTL refers to vaccinated people travelling from Germany to Singapore on designated flights enjoying no quarantine but more testing.
Your itinerary, from US ro Germany, has nothing to do with VTL and you are only bound by Germany immigration rules.


yes, noted on that,,, just checking if there are any ideas/views


yes, like ZYX mentioned my case is not related to VTL. I have been scouring the internet trying to avoid German Quarantine but it seems i need to do 10 days but on day 5 if I have a Negative PCR test then i will avoid quarantine. I do not mind 5 days Quarantine my concern is “demonstrate and important reason” to enter Germany, which could deter me from entry


Hi Teh, you do not qualify for VTL as it is only open to those vaccinated in Singapore or Germany. Also, tourism is not considered an important enough reason for entry.

If you want to enter Germany as a tourist, it is probably easiest to do so from Singapore, which would mean clearing quarantine in Singapore first.


It’s cute (?) how ICA takes pride in sounding officious. Even “Thank you.” is a standalone, numeritized paragraph.


Aaron, there is a scenario I think of after reading the news today stating that the Sinovac vaccine is not yet recognised vaccine in German, but German embassy seems like clarify that whoever vaccinated in Singapore travelling from SG could enter Germany without quarantine after a negative test result https://www.8world.com/singapore/covid-19-vtl-germany-1569916 How about for their 3G compliance for those who are vaccinated with Sinovac in Singapore? Will their vaccination status be recognised as “vaccinated” within Germany or they will need to comply the 3G by being tested negative? I am just asking for the sake of others who might be of… Read more »


Thank you for the great summary, as usual Aaron!

Vic Nah

Can we go to any PCR test providers in Germany since there is no list provided. Singapore government keeps wanting us to check with Ministry of Health Germany for the list of approved test providers and so far I am unable to obtain any reply from Germany government.


Great series of articles for VTL, planning my own return visit to Singapore with it! A few tips on spending time in Germany: Some cities (ie Hamburg) use the Luca App for contact tracing. It saves you from filling out lots of paper cards/lists. It also allows you to store your vaccine certificate electronically, making it easier to show. Many pharmacies (Apotheke) will create a digital certificate for you off your paper vaccination statement (even though they are only required to do it for German residents). If you have an Android phone, I’d recommend to create a second, free Google… Read more »


Ah this post answers my question I posted previously on the other article. Thanks Aaron I’m literally glued to your website the whole day. So much more insightful then MOH, Safetravel ICA website with confusing terms.


Hi Aaron, i lost track on all the changes. As of today (13 Oct) is PDT required for non-VTL from Germany ? IIRC, it is now required for non-VTL, so for the risk for trip extension of 21 days (or more) will be the same for VTL and Cat 2 ?

thank you.


Hi, thank for the information. Would like to understand if unvaccinated kids can dine in at Germany as understand they require to be tested prior to hotel check in / dining at restaurants.

Last edited 2 years ago by Frederic



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