Tag: yuu

DBS yuu Cards now offering S$300 welcome bonus

Get a DBS yuu Card and start earning 10 mpd or 18% rebates at Cold Storage, Guardian, foodpanda, gojek and other yuu merchants- with a joining bonus of S$300 till 30 April 2025.

Review: DBS yuu Card

With 18% rebates or 10 mpd at yuu merchants, the DBS yuu Card is an unbeatable powerhouse- so long as the juice keeps flowing.

What’s the best way of spending yuu Points?

Racking up the yuu Points with the DBS yuu Cards or yuu app? Here's all the options for spending them (hint: it's not just rebates!).

FAQs: DBS yuu Card, yuu Points and 10 mpd at yuu merchants

Minimum spends, DFI vouchers, Singtel bills, points crediting and more. All your DBS yuu Card questions, answered.

Wow: DBS yuu Card now earns 10 mpd at Cold Storage, foodpanda, Gojek and all other yuu merchants

Stop the presses: yuu Rewards Club adds transfers to KrisFlyer at a 3.6:1 ratio, turning the DBS yuu Card into a 10 mpd behemoth for yuu merchants.

DBS yuu Card makes 18% rebates year-round feature

DBS yuu Cardholders can now enjoy up to 18% rebates at yuu merchants year-round. Money-printing machine go brrrrr.

DBS yuu Card now offering 18% rebates on foodpanda

foodpanda becomes the latest addition to the yuu-niverse, with DBS yuu Cardholders enjoying 18% rebates till February 2024.

DBS yuu Card extends 18% rebates till 29 February 2024

The DBS yuu Card keeps the party going, with 18% rebates at Cold Storage, Giant, Gojek, Singtel and more till February 2024.