Citibank Rewards offering 8mpd at Takashimaya, DFS and Tangs

Earn 8mpd until 3 May 2018 with your Citibank Rewards card, capped at S$1,000 per statement cycle.

Citibank runs the occasional promotion with their Citibank Rewards card where they offer 20X points (8mpd) at select merchants instead of the usual 4mpd. Traditionally, they’ve been partnering with Lazada, Qoo10 and Amazon with these 8mpd offers.

This time round, they have partnered with Takashimaya, Duty Free Singapore (DFS) and Tangs where you’ll be able to earn 8mpd for all your expenditure at these three places. You can find the full terms and conditions of this promotion here. This offer is valid until 3 May 2018.

Note that you’ll only be earning 8mpd (i.e 20X) for your first S$1,000 of expenditure during the promotional period per statement cycle. After which, you’ll would drop back to earning just 4mpd again. So do bear this in mind when taking advantage of this promotion.

If you don’t already own the Citibank Rewards card, you can support the site by applying for one via the link below.

Matthew Chong
Matthew Chong
Addicted to luxury travel while trying not to go broke, Matthew is always on the prowl for the best deals in the travel industry. When he's not busy studying, he can be found trawling the internet and reading up on credit cards, airlines and hotels. He also wouldn't mind taking you out on a date.

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when does the 20X points credited into the account? immediately?


Does buying taka vouchers contitute to 8mpd?


No offence Matthew but as a student, how are you applying for these cards?


Matthew’s parents have set up a trust fund for him that allows him to draw down an annual 7-figure sum. When he completes his formal education, he will then be able to access the 9-figure lump sum.
Sign: His PA. (Just kidding guys! Some weekend humour)


No offence bro but by being a ton smarter and more resourceful than you when you were in uni


If you’re telling me its normal for university students in Singapore to have a 30k annual salary, then i stand guided by your immense intelligence and resourcefulness.


*His immense intelligence and resourcefulness.
Please get the subject matter right. I have never claimed to be smarter and more resourceful than you.


Please cite where the “his” is in your original, unnecessarily snarky response.

I take it you saw Matthew’s eventual response? FYI that was all I was looking for.


Your initial unnecessarily snarky question is about Matthew and how he is able to apply for these cards, so I answer on his behalf that HE did it by being smarter than you. If that was all you were looking for you could have asked very nicely ‘Hey Matthew, can you share on how you are able to apply for these cards as a student’ instead of going down the ‘no offence but…’ route. No offence is really redundant. No offence but you’re incredibly stupid. Will you really not take offence? Not the only one to find you offensive here.… Read more »


I think some further clarification is required for the benefit of you and the other people you made reference to. Contextually there is a significant difference between “no offence but you are incredibly stupid” and what I asked. Just FYI not every use of “no offence” is offensive. When I said “no offence” it was on the basis that my question contained a presumtion that he did not earn the requisite amount of money required for a credit card. Maybe Matthew does earn substantial income from a side business he is running while being a student? Maybe he owns several… Read more »


Yawn. Why don’t you take the time to reply to P’s comment below. I really couldn’t even be bothered to read a single thing you said above.


Because I thought that maybe you could be educated as to the proper use of the English language, but it seems you don’t read.

P on the other hand is clearly the product of a union of a cow and a watermelon.


you’re incredibly offensive. no offence but did your parents teach you manners?


Does 8mpd works for online spend at Tangs and Taka?


Does anyone know if the 20x Points promotion will be valid for shops located within the Taka Building? Eg. Best Denki located on 5th floor of Takashimaya?


what about for Changi DFS, also 20x ?


HI Mathew, I interpret the T&Cs a little differently. If the max citi dollars per statement cycle is 20K, we should be able to spend S$2K per statement cycle instead of $1K as you mentioned. Further more, the promotion period is 23rd March – 2nd May so this should cover 2 statement cycles so the maximum one could spend / earn is $4K and 40K points. Am I missing something here? 3. Further, under this Promotion, an Eligible Cardholder will earn additional 10X Citi Dollars (every S$1 charged = 10 Citi Dollars) for retail purchases effected on the Citi Rewards… Read more »


Since the Promotion allows you to earn 20 Citi dollars for every S$1 spent (10X + 10X), and the maximum number of Citi dollars you can earn per statement cycle is capped at 20,000 Citi Dollars, that means S$1,000 spent per statement cycle will earn you 20,000 Citi Dollars. I think Matthew is correct. However, I think Matthew’s “worst case scenario” of earning 4 mpd on the amount spent above S$1,000 may not be correct. This is because upon S$1,000 spent, the cardholder would have earned the maximum 20,000 Citi Dollars allowed in that statement cycle. Therefore, for every additional… Read more »


Tried at the bakery at food level in Taka (just outside Cold Storage) on Mon, only no 20X, just the normal 10X.


wondering does it apply to the foodcourt at Taka.



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