I used to think that Telegram was just for serial killers, radical extremists and NAMBLA members, but thanks to Chelsea I now know it’s also for people to gather and talk about things they’re interested in (like where to dump bodies, fertilizer recipes and Gary Glitter)!
Because I’m totally young and with it, I’m pleased to announce the formation of The Milelion’s Telegram Group for all things miles and travel hacking related.
Click here to join The Milelion’s Telegram Group
Why do we need this group?
- To alert people to flash deals or time sensitive promotions (e.g. mistake fares) that may disappear by the time I put a post together
- To cover tricks and tips I think are interesting, but simply don’t have time to write a full post about
- To provide a centralized place for people to ask time-sensitive questions that may not be answered for hours if they posted on the comments (and tap the knowledge of the community- clearly some of you on the comments know more than I do)
- For you to share any deals you know about and think others may want to hear of (think of it as a faster on-the-go alternative to having to use our contact form)
- Occasional random giveaways
- To find that special someone
You’ll be pleased to know that Louis, Jeriel, Fred and Jon (whenever he gets a Telegram account) will also be part of this group, and I hope we can build a community where everything from the noobest of questions to the most intricate of fuel dumping strategies can be discussed and shared.
Hope to see many of you in this group. Tasteful avatars only, please.
I downloaded Telegram for this #milelionfan
i joined for the milelion too!
Why not whatsapp group, sir?
i’ve been educated as to why telegram is better. you dont need to reveal your phone number to the whole world, for one. also you can have a public group that anyone can join without needing invite
the link doesn’t seem to work
working for everyone else- try another browser or manually join via app?
I’m gonna download Telegram now just for this too!! #fangirl
Could you create a telegram channel as well? Then you can blast out announcements for deals, for those who would like to know the latest news, but not scroll through the thousands of messages in the chat.
trying to avoid group fragmentation. understand the current group is a bit noisy now but it’s meant for community building and therefore back and forth is necessary. what we can do is pin deals to the top so everyone can see them.