Schrodinger’s miles: PRVI Miles Payment facility not dead

No change to how the UOB PRVI Miles Payment Facility will award miles.

Yesterday, I wrote about how there was a change in the terms and conditions of the UOB PRVI Miles card to exclude the awarding of UNI$ for UOB PRVI Payment facility transactions. 

On 23 October 2018, UOB reached out to clarify that you will still continue to earn 1 mile per dollar requested from the UOB PRVI Pay facility and there will be no change in how the facility will work. 

Here’s the reply from UOB:

This was in contrast to what they told me on 22 October 2018 when they mentioned that the awarding of miles through the PRVI Miles payment facility will stop from 1 November 2018.

Here’s what I was told on 22 October 2018:

PRVI Pay facility continues to earn 1 mpd, buy miles at 2 cents each

In their statement, UOB clarifies that the new clause inserted in the PRVI Miles terms and conditions which is to take effect from 1 November 2018 was to state that the use of the PRVI Miles Payment facility will not earn you the usual 1.4mpd per dollar when you use your PRVI Miles card.

So it looks like you will still have the option of purchasing miles at 2 cents a piece when you utilize the PRVI Miles Payment facility.

Concluding Thoughts

Chalk this up as a false alarm then, and just as well. Being able to have the avenue to purchase unlimited miles with little hassle and at as low as 2 cents a mile is one of the key uses of the PRVI Miles card, and had that been removed there’d be less of a compelling case to hold it.

Matthew Chong
Matthew Chong
Addicted to luxury travel while trying not to go broke, Matthew is always on the prowl for the best deals in the travel industry. When he's not busy studying, he can be found trawling the internet and reading up on credit cards, airlines and hotels. He also wouldn't mind taking you out on a date.

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[…] (Edit: UOB has clarified that you will still earn 1mpd on PRVI Pay) […]

Aaron Chan

Yep, but actually that clause has always been there on the terms and conditions. It was meant to rule out ‘double’ clocking of miles from the usual 1.4 miles per dollar with the PRVI Payment facility (1 mile per dollar).

Aaron Chan

Yeah it was there, cos when it was first launched, I was erroneously awarded 1.4 miles per dollar for using the PRVI Payment facility, over and above the 1 mile per dollar for the facility. UOB had to claw back the UNI$ as I had already transferred them out to my FFP. I was then alerted to that clause, so I figured the purpose for it being there. But I agree that the clause should be reworded to minimise any confusion moving forward.

C Chan

Alamak. Am I the only one who doesn’t know what Schrodinger means? Had to google it and quantum mechanics is not my field…lol

Aaron Wong

we like nerd jokes here on the milelion