Tag: traveloka

Traveloka NDP promo code: Up to 20% off all Singapore hotels

Score some easy savings on hotel staycations with the promo code NDPHTL, capped at S$75. Limited redemptions available.

Traveloka Weekend Sale: 30% off staycations, stackable with further DBS/SRV savings

This weekend, save a further 30% off Traveloka staycations, and stack it with further discounts from DBS cards and SRV.

Last day: Traveloka offering 20% off hotel staycations (stackable with SRV or DBS discount)

Traveloka's 20% off sale on staycations runs till midnight tonight, with a further S$100 off with SRV or S$50 off with DBS credit cards.

Act fast: Shangri-La Valley Wing from S$346 nett (further S$100 off with SRV)

Traveloka's CNY sale is offering 20% off hotels, which means the Shangri-La Singapore's fabled Valley Wing at the lowest rate ever.

Traveloka offering travelers discounted COVID-19 PCR swab tests

Book a flight or hotel via Traveloka and pay a discounted rate of S$150 nett for a COVID-19 PCR swab test.