Tag: updates

The Milelion has done more housekeeping

Just a quick note to let you know that I've finally updated those drop down tabs on the top of the homepage to reflect more recent information. In particular the articles on general spending and specific spending cards have been updated, as well as some other articles on BRGs etc. I'll...

Subscribe to The Milelion’s mailing list and win an amenities kit!

EDIT: If you've already signed up before today you're of course still eligible to win. No need to unsubscribe and subscribe again. The eligible pool is whoever is signed up as of EOD Saturday.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, I know nuts about designing a website....

SQ to launch bidding system for paid upgrades?

It is a fact, universally acknowledged, that SQ does not give free upgrades unless it absolutely, absolutely has to. My father, a PPS Solitaire member of 20+ years, can count on one hand the number of free upgrades he has received in that period. The unspoken reason for refusing to...

SQ new route announcements: SFO, LAX and GRU changes afoot

Quite a flurry of SQ news on the interwebs right now with new route announcements and changes to existing routes. Let's get into the details- SQ to begin non-stop service to SFO The A350 opens a lot of strategic possibilities for SQ, one of which is the reinstatement of the non-stop...

The Milelion is featured in the Straits Times!

I'm delighted to be featured in today's (29th May) Straits Times feature on how careful credit card spending can reap massive rewards. And a big shout out to our resident guestwriter and hotel review expert Fred for being featured too. The full article can be found here, and because over...

What do you want to see in The Milelion’s second year?

Thank you everyone for your participation in the recent giveaway and once again congratulations to the winner! The feedback given was very valuable and I want to take some time to address some of the points raised about what you can expect to see more of here- 1. Reviews, reviews, reviews! A...

The Milelion turns one with a special giveaway!

In  April 2015 I was in the middle of a short hiatus from work, taking the time to reevaluate what I wanted to do in life and also play a lot of PS4. Travel hacking was already a big hobby for me at the time, but I realised that this was a...

The full Zaobao Q&A

Zaobao Finance has published an article on miles-earning credit cards featuring The Milelion (English version here). Last week I had a lovely chat with 陈劲禾, the reporter who wrote the article. We covered a lot of questions that first-timers to the miles game might ask. Obviously, because of space constraints (and my tedious wordiness) it...


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