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#FTR: June 25- July 1 in The Milelion’s Telegram and Facebook Groups

Catch up on what's happening across The Milelion's social channels.

Welcome to For The Record, or #ftr, a place to catch up all that’s been shared across The Milelion’s Telegram and Facebook Groups where people talk about miles and points, 24/7. Here’s my attempt to summarize the things I found interesting in the past week. 

There’s so much chatter going on that this list will be far from comprehensive, so if you want all the details be sure to join the Telegram and Facebook groups. If you have something important to share, be sure to label it with #ftr in the Telegram or Facebook groups. Thank you to everyone for contributing to the community! 

Check out previous editions of #ftr here

  • Apple Pay enabled merchants: NUH A&E, KAH Motor Alexandra, W Sentosa, National Dental Centre, Best Buy iOS app, Joyen Restaurant at HillV2 (Aida, Jacky, Punished Pixels, S A, Ansley, Wee Teck Ng
  • Sheng Siong vouchers can be purchased through Apple Pay with a validity period of 2 years (Qiimm)
  • Most payments to government bodies do not attract points, but using your KrisFlyer Blue card (and presumably then the KrisFlyer Ascend) to pay for passport renewal earns miles (svk)
  • It was reported previously that Masterpass + WWMC payments made for Pizza Hut Delivery did not trigger 10X automatically. 10X will be credited after you lodge an appeal; DBS may fix this going forward (Isaac)
  • The bonus 20% Asia Miles from UOB’s recent transfer promotion have been credited, and there is no cap
  • Most recent data point on ipaymy suggests it earns 10X with the Citibank Rewards Visa. One reason for the discrepancy may be the description field of the transaction- try putting “ipaymy” instead of “iras” (Jei)
  • If you’re trying to reconcile your DBS WWMC points and have foreign currency transactions on your statement, here’s how the calculation works
    • At the time of transaction (base): ROUNDDOWN(amt/5,0)+ROUNDDOWN(amt/5*2,0)
    • On the 16th (bonus): ROUNDDOWN(amt/5*7,0)
  • It’s now possible to book multi-city options for flights through the Trip.com app (which accepts Apple Pay, making it a viable alternative if the SQ app bugs have got you down)
  • DBS’s ibanking interface has been pretty dismal for a while, not allowing you to export your transactions in Excel (you’d have to manually copy and paste). This feature has been added under Plan–> My Financial GPS. Up to 6 months of previous transactions can be downloaded, but are lumped together so you’ll have to manually separate out what was spent on which card
  • PolicyPal continues to earn 10X on the Citibank Rewards Visa card (YW Chan)

As far as possible I always try to cite the source for proper credit, but feel free to PM me if I’ve goofed up. Please note that this is all community-sourced data and YMMV. 

Aaron Wong
Aaron Wong
Aaron founded The Milelion to help people travel better for less and impress chiobu. He was 50% successful.

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