Unlock some of KrisFlyer’s best value at Advanced KrisFlyer

Get more from your miles. Go beyond the basics and unlock the hidden secrets of KrisFlyer.

KrisFlyer is the default frequent flyer program for many in Singapore. But just how deep into the program have you gone?

There’s much more to KrisFlyer miles than just Singapore Airlines flights, hotel rooms, rental cars, KrisShop or -gulp- KrisPay. In fact, some of the best value in KrisFlyer is hidden away in obscure corners of the web and fine print, often overlooked by casual users.

If you’re ready to take next step, come and join me on Friday August 24 at 7.15pm for Advanced KrisFlyer, where we’ll take you from program novice to power user!

Get your tickets to Advanced KrisFlyer here

Early bird tickets are available until 7.15pm this Friday, 17 August.

Here’s what we’ll be covering during this session:

Round the World Awards

Round the World Awards are arguably one of the most aspirational airline awards to redeem. Imagine flying around the world, city hopping and trying different cabin products, all while saving a huge chunk of miles.

That’s in theory, at least. Planning, finding and booking a Round the World Award is easier said than done. During Advanced KrisFlyer, we’ll go through the rules in agonizing detail, and illustrate how you can use this award to plan a once-in-a-lifetime trip.

Partner Awards

You may already know that you can redeem your KrisFlyer miles for more than just Singapore Airlines flights, but do you know what flights you should be redeeming your miles for?

We do touch-and-go coverage of partner awards during the Miles for Beginners session, but during Advanced KrisFlyer we’ll really deep dive into all of KrisFlyer’s partner award charts to find the hidden gems. We’ll show you which chart to use when you’re heading where, and how to plan, find and book these partner awards.


Everyone’s probably heard of stopovers, but do you know how to use them to stretch your miles? Stopovers are one of the best kept secrets of award tickets. During this session, we’ll learn how to strategise with stopovers and turn a single city vacation into a multi-city jaunt, or even turn one vacation into two with careful planning.

Mixed cabin itineraries, award holds, faster KrisFlyer searching…

Those who have attended Milelion workshops before will know just how much I love to pack these things. In addition to the above, we’ll be sure to discuss mixed cabin itineraries, award holds and searching for KrisFlyer awards faster too!

The goal is that after you’re done with Advanced KrisFlyer, you’ll be well-versed on the full range of options available for spending your miles. Look forward to seeing everyone there!

Aaron Wong
Aaron Wong
Aaron founded The Milelion to help people travel better for less and impress chiobu. He was 50% successful.

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Any plans to do these topics on another date/session?


Good man Aaron.


Will refreshments be available during the session?


Was expecting to read an exciting blogpost on this interesting subject. but the link lead me here to register for a talk.

With all due respect for organising talks to share your knowledge, will you still be be blogging in details like you did before?

Ryan C

Personally, I think the info Aaron has been sharing can all be gleamed from the site. Complicated itineraries like RTW fares have always started off with a ‘Trip Planning’ article. You can try searching for them here. See also the Long Way to NY series: https://milelion.com/2016/04/24/long-way-new-york/ Articles on faster KF searching has also been shared previously as well (see: https://milelion.com/2018/05/27/turbo-charge-your-singapore-airlines-award-search-with-the-award-flights-plugin/) I think some people learn better seeing how it’s done live and ultimately I think that’s what these classes are designed for. I happen to like reading so trawling through a wordy article isn’t tedious for me. On the other… Read more »


[…] The first session we ran was completely sold out, and it was great to see some of the people who had started out in Miles for Beginners classes making the move up to Advanced KrisFlyer! […]



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