Missed a Milelion workshop? Express interest in a future session here

Get informed when a future session goes live by filling out a simple form.

Milelion workshops are a great place to pick up new travel hacking skills and meet with fellow miles enthusiasts. These 2 hour sessions deep dive into a specific topic, ranging from 101-style introductions to credit cards, hotel and frequent flyer programs to advanced concepts like heavy-duty award searching and complex award bookings.

There are currently five different workshops available:

I’m certainly looking forward to adding more topics in the future (feel free to suggest them in the comments!), but I also understand that there’s still demand for the existing workshops from people who missed them the last time round.

To help me better gauge demand for future sessions, I’ve created a form where you can express interest in particular workshops. I’ll also add this as a permanent feature on our official events page.

Click here to express interest in future Milelion workshops

If you subsequently register for a Milelion workshop with the same email you used in the contact form, I’ll remove you from notifications about that particular workshop in the future. Basically, this helps me keep a running tally of the unmet demand for each course.

Final point: I’ve been asked about the possibility of doing private classes and webinars.  The former can be arranged, but obviously the cost will be significantly higher than the group sessions (which don’t run unless we get a minimum of 20 participants, so that should give you an indication pricing). You can reach out through the contact us option for more details.

The latter are on the roadmap, but webinars are a very different beast from in-person workshops and I want to be sure I can deliver a useful session in that medium before committing.

I’m in the midst of planning September’s events, so stay tuned for more exciting meetups and workshops for The Milelion Community!

Aaron Wong
Aaron Wong
Aaron founded The Milelion to help people travel better for less and impress chiobu. He was 50% successful.

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