Maldives VTL: Pre-departure test scrapped for fully vaccinated visitors

From 5 March, Maldives has eliminated its pre-departure PCR test requirement for vaccinated tourists.

VTL: 7-day travel history expanded to include all EEA countries plus Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican

From 16 March, Singapore effectively adds the entire European Economic Area to the VTL, making travel throughout Europe much simpler.

Singapore launches VTLs with Greece & Vietnam; expands VTLs with Malaysia, Indonesia & India

From 16 March, Greece & Vietnam will be added to the VTL scheme, and VTL flights added from Bali, Penang and other cities.

South Korea VTL: Day 3 and 5 self-ART requirement scrapped

VTL travellers entering South Korea from 1 March are no longer required to take Day 3 and 5 ARTs, though the expensive PCR tests remain.

Malaysia VTL: Daily post-arrival ART requirement scrapped from 3 March

From 3 March, Malaysia will scrap its daily COVID-19 ART regime for VTL (Air) and VTL (Land) arrivals, reducing the number of tests by 5.

UAE VTL: No more pre-departure PCR test required for fully vaccinated arrivals

The UAE has scrapped its pre-departure test requirement for all fully vaccinated or recently-recovered travellers, effective 26 Feb.

Italy VTL: Singapore tourists can visit Italy again from 1 March

Italy will accept all fully vaccinated visitors from 1 March, regardless of origin- and also grant Sinovac & Sinopharm the same recognition.

Good news: Doctor Anywhere tele-supervised ARTs now valid for VTL on-arrival testing

Land. Tele-swab. Freedom. DA's Tele-ARTs promise to make on-arrival testing for VTL travellers as painless as possible.