In May we ran two very fun sessions of Power Award Searching, where attendees learned how to use tools like Award Nexus, KVS, ExpertFlyer and Award.Flights to hunt down and snag their dream redemptions more easily.
Tools like these can be extremely useful, but are also difficult to explain over the internet or in a large lecture-style setting. These sessions are kept intentionally small to facilitate learning and discussion, and the nice thing is I can literally run from computer to computer to help fix whatever problems you might be facing. All in all, I had a great time geeking out with the group who attended.
If you weren’t able to attend either of the May sessions, I’m pleased to inform you that we’ll be hosting a third session at the end of June. Here’s the details:
Date: 29 June 2018 (Friday)
Venue: iFast Financial, Level 26, Ocean Financial Centre, Raffles Place
Time:Â 7.15pm (session typically lasts 2-2.5 hours, depending on the number of questions. Participants are encouraged to ask as many as they can!)
Tickets are now available through the link below:
In addition to this, I mentioned in May’s Milelion update that I’m putting together a 101-type course for miles. That’s coming along very well and you can expect an announcement soon about tickets.
This session is designed to be an introduction to the miles and points game, and is suited for your friends and family who ask you questions like
- “which card should I be using”
- “should I be paying an annual fee to buy miles”
- “if I buy a ticket for someone else can I earn the miles”
- “what is the difference between redeeming and paying with miles”
- “can I transfer my miles to someone else”
etc etc.
Preliminary dates for these sessions are 30 Jun (Sat) morning and 6 July (Fri) evening. Keep your eyes peeled!
Do we need to bring our own laptops for this session?
Not strictly needed. Although if you want to use them for note taking…
Thanks! So there will be computer terminals for us to try out the different websites as you go along with the tutorial?
Power award searching requires you to bring your own laptop
My bad. Thought this qn was with regards to the miles for Beginners module. You will need a laptop for power award searching. Instructions will go out in an email soon