Tag: rewards

Confirmed: Citi Rewards and Citi PremierMiles switched to Mastercard

Citi has switched all non co-brand cards in Singapore to the Mastercard network. Normally that wouldn't be a big deal, but it does matter for the Citi Rewards Visa...

Citibank extends sign up bonus on Citi Rewards card till 31 Jan 2020

New-to-bank customers who spend $3,000 in the first 3 months can get up to 22,800 miles with the Citi Rewards Visa or Citi Rewards Mastercard

Standard Chartered’s weird credit card points expiry policy

PSA: Your SCB 360 Rewards points have a shorter validity period than you think.

Citi PayAll feature now open to all: One of the cheapest ways to buy miles in Singapore

Pay for rent, education expenses, condo fees, taxes and electricity bills with a 2% admin fee and earn credit card rewards.

Citi Rewards offering first-ever sign up bonus: spend $3K, get 10.8K miles

Citibank is offering a first-ever sign up bonus for the Rewards card, and new-to-bank customers can enjoy up to 22.8K miles just by spending $3K.

PSA: Citibank’s new rewards exclusion categories take effect from 4 October

Higher foreign currency transaction fees, monthly instead of annual caps on the Reward's 10X and more excluded merchants. But some good news for PayPal transactions.

Citibank’s new rewards exclusion categories: what you need to know

Citibank has made some significant changes to the categories of payments which earn rewards. Here's what to know.

Can you still get the Citibank Rewards Mastercard?

The landing page on the Citibank website has been taken down, but applications are still possible.