The Milelion is on The Instantgram. Sigh.

This is the end, my only friend, the end.

First things first. The Milelion doesn’t do social media. Even in my personal life, I tend to view Facebook et al as sort of a one way mirror- great for stalking people.

Here’s my Facebook profile, for example.

I’d be very amused if the DHS asked me for my social media profile, because I imagine they’d be instantly suspicious. After all, what sort of man doesn’t post photos of his food/kneejerk opinions about unverified news articles floating around the interweb/mild, insincere platitudes about random acquaintance baby photos that pop up on his feed? This man is dangerous, and must be stopped!

I remember when I was first introduced to Instagram. My friend opened the app on his phone. An plethora of photos synced and loaded.

“So, this is the Instantgram?” I asked

He affirmed that it was.

“And this Instantgram is capturing the zeitgeist of our era?”

He affirmed that it was.

“But all I see is partying and food and people wearing very few clothes and vaguely pretentious soft focus off centre photos with random filters and psychobabble captions applied to them. Are you sure the app is working properly?”

He affirmed that it was.

Unfortunately, it seems that people would prefer to stare at pretty chiobu photos than read 3,000 words on the renaissance of the airport hotel. Case in point, I recently reached out to a few local hotels to ask if they were interested in sponsoring giveaways for readers of The Milelion. Of those that didn’t straight away send the email to spam, quite a few asked me how “good I was at social media”

“Well,” I said. “I don’t use my phone at the table. So I think I’m pretty good at social media, thank you very much”

They didn’t get back to me after that.

So, just for you, The Milelion is now on Instantgram. Yes, I’m going to call it that. Follow The Milelion here. If you want. You’re not a bad person if you don’t. In fact you’re probably more principled than me.

My upcoming trip to Miami should provide ample Instantgram fodder, but in the meantime I’ve uploaded some photos from past trips and links to the corresponding trip reports. I believe that is called Aftergram or something. Postergram?

What’s in it for you? Well, it opens up the possibility to do giveaways (sponsored or otherwise), send snarky messages to SQ and wear frameless glasses. So follow The Milelion, and tell all your friends you knew about it when it was still underground.

Aaron Wong
Aaron Wong
Aaron founded The Milelion to help people travel better for less and impress chiobu. He was 50% successful.

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Finally! Welcome to Instagram!


You may also need to show your beach body to get views on instantgram (I think)


If you post items after it’s called latergram 🙂


Got it.. Following….


Next step: first instastory….


bro, where are the hashtags? #welcometoinstagram #instagramNOTinstantgram #hashtag….


when is milelion on tinder? cause a lot of ladies are looking for free business /first/suite flights for free


most importantly, all posts from today has to end with
the most over-used hashtag of them all



Sold your soul …. sad and disappointed you fell through the cracks and did not hold your principal.


U got me bro …. hehe


Aaron, collages are so yesterday. You need to download VSCO instead, it’s a must-have add-on for the basic Instagrammer.


Boomerang. ? But seriously , I don’t think addons are necessary though.


Isn’t a blog (albeit an excellent one) a form of social media? You’d get more hits on IG if you had pictures of sexy female cabin crew vs empty seats ?