How CNA’s “Singapore Airlines doesn’t deserve our online hating” article misses the point entirely

There is a big difference between reasonable concerns and full-on interweb flaming.

Dear Singapore Airlines Public Affairs Team…

Here's how to avoid unnecessarily antagonizing your customers

What happens when you actually try to fight a DCC credit card charge?

Here's my very frustrating account of disputing a DCC-ed transaction with UOB.

Singapore Airlines’ move to charge credit card fees is a disgraceful money grab

Here's why SQ's move to impose a 1.3% surcharge on credit card transactions for flights departing from Singapore should make you mad.

UOB promotion requires spending >$150,000 in two months, doesn’t guarantee gift

You'd think spending $150,000 in two months would guarantee you something.

Buying an iPhone with your miles might be the dumbest idea ever

Buying "superfoods". Believing in homeopathy. Buying an iPhone 8 with miles.

Some free advice for Scoot on how not to handle delays, by a guy who has no PR training

Cute branding does not excuse communications incompetence.

How to think about sponsored posts and objectivity: a Grab Rewards case study

Do sponsored posts need to present an objective view? Case in point- Grab Rewards, Mothership and Moneysmart.